Just as used to be said about the weather: "Everybody talks about it but no one does anything about it!"
So it is with Term Limits, the quaint notion that will keep politicians from becoming wealthy, lazy, hypocritical, perpetually elected criminals along with their standard psychopathic issues. "Quaint notion" because in order to become Law, the very ones who will be adversely effected must vote for it.
Any such solution requiring the force of a law is DOA; career suicide is a non-starter in every occupation I can think of.
But how about this: a local ‘citizen’s groups’ comprised of the candidates’ constituents who demand everyone in the race take a Forensic Audit Oath comparing their net worth prior to running and prior to running for re-election? The Candidate will be required to explain the sources of any sudden increases during his term. Along with being absolutely local registered voters, the group would have to be dedicated energetic activists, sufficiently funded, and most of all: media savvy, in order to ensure the Candidate gets all the coverage s/he so richly deserve in the event of failure/refusal to publicly commit to it. A local popular talk show host/station would help; ditto local/regional editorial support. Making sure the “Oath” commitment gets thorough media coverage is the key to its “enforcement” without a Law in place. Robust social media exposure could help similar groups spontaneously combust throughout all areas – no government (or law) required.
This is the essence of Sam Adams' comment: "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
Go organize that "irate, tireless minority", set some local brushfires and you will be amazed at what can be accomplished. It all starts with You. Not "Us". You. The Us come later. Except for the "freedom" part, your enemies are doing this every day.
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